Hi all! I'm starting this blog so family can stay in touch easier. I guess it's time to finally break down and do it...
Things are well. Josh made A/B honor roll on his progress report (waiting for the 'final' one to come in). He works so hard, but I still think we're just not paying attention in school the way he needs to. Boo and Hans are doing great. Boo missed straight A's by one point first semester (we treated her for all A's - it was soooo close!), and Hans got 'A/B' honor roll. Well, for his grade level!
Bethany and Josh have started altar serving at church - I'm so PROUD! - and Hans will be making his 1st Reconciliation/Communion next year. JUNE 13, 2009!!!
Had a blast in MI with everyone, and I am sooo glad we got to see you, Mom and Dad! Hope all is well with everyone. BTW, keep Cody and I in your thoughts; we picked up colds in MI, and are both working on not getting too sick. Thanks goodness the kids are fine! Love to all!