I know I'm slacking lately; just when I should be writing daily because there's so much going on, there's so much going on I can't seem to keep up! So I'll backtrack a little, and get everyone up to date.
Sunday, after church, we headed out to Longwood Gardens. We stopped at a huge nursery on the way there (one I'd always wanted to visit), and found the Lantana that we've been looking for ever since leaving NC. It was one of the plants we'd had out front and Hans has been asking for them. So after a few plant purchases, we stopped at Mile High where Cody had made lunch reservations; it was wonderful! Finally, onto Longwood Gardens; it was CHILLY. Especially for May! But we had a lovely time; everyone took lots of pictures, and we just enjoyed being outside, together. It seemed like a while since we'd just hung out together... That evening we heated up leftovers, watched Once, and ended a really great Mother's Day. Oh - and I got some Coconut Coffee, the Les Miserables dvd (which is great, but still not as good as seeing it live), and a really awesome 'garden' hat. You'll see in the picture.
I hope all my friends who are mother's, plan to be mother's, and/or have mother's (which is everybody), had a great day. Remember, hug a mom - every day you can!
Love to all...