
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Stand down, Noah...

I woke up Saturday morning to leave for a dentist appointment; I have a filling that is causing me problems.  (And now I have a root canal that is causing me problems, but I digress!)

After the torrential downpour, the backyard looked better in the morning.  THIS is a picture of 'better'.  LOL.  <sigh>  I am super grateful that there was only a small wet area in the basement; without our water-proofing, it would have been a disaster!

Love to all...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Whoa...  It's November 7th, and it's SNOWING outside!  It's not sticking, but it is coooold outside, and the snow is coming down.  It sounded like rain at first, and when it got quiet, you could see the flakes beginning.  This is a good omen for skiing this season!

I hope that things are well with everyone else - my parents, who were out of communication for a while; Cindy, whom I desperately need to call; and all the people affected by Sandy.  Our prayers are with all of you.

On a lighter note, the picture of Tucker is so cozy...  I wish I could be a cat!

Love to all...