
Showing posts with label Anniversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anniversary. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The 'house'

Today we were again reminded of our status as "the house" for Josh's friends (and sometimes large groups of Hans and Bethany's friends, as well).  4 of his friends came over today to hang out.  They ended up taking Hans with them on a bike ride to the lower Norwood park, then picked up pizza on their way back to the house this evening.  Yes, the teens bought their own pizza for dinner - and Hans pitched in some money for his share as well.  I'm so proud!  We watched School of Rock with dinner, and then I built my first real fire in our fire pit (it is BEAUTIFUL weather here, thank you God!).  Bethany and some others roasted marshmallows for smores, Hans made me a marshmallow, and while everybody hung out and chatted, I cut down some pesky branches.  And pushed Boo on the swing - love that swing!  It's a rather unique experience being the 'house' that everyone wants to hang out in.  But very nice.  And I know they are really becoming comfortable here, because Alex walked in this afternoon and called out, "I'm home!".  Without knocking.  So it's kind of cool...

Love to all!

(ps - Happy Anniversary, love!  We miss you - everyone's asking about you, and we're waiting for you to come home!)