Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts
Monday, July 15, 2013
More stuff done...
So I got the drywall up in Cindy's living room, and we've been hanging out as well! We even got the lattice done for her grapes so she can support them. And best of all, the weather seems to look good for the next couple of days, so I think I'll have great traveling weather. Thank you, God! This has been a great trip, and I'm sad that my time is almost up, but I know it will be wonderful to see Hans, Josh and Cody again. And Bethany will be home soon, as well! Maybe someday Cindy will move in with us. All that room for the dogs, lots of area to help me garden... wink, wink!
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Stand down, Noah...

After the torrential downpour, the backyard looked better in the morning. THIS is a picture of 'better'. LOL. <sigh> I am super grateful that there was only a small wet area in the basement; without our water-proofing, it would have been a disaster!
Love to all...
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
So many things going on!
So I should update everyone on a few things:
On March 7th, Josh was inducted into Phi Theta Kappa at Delaware Community College. We are SO proud of him; he's doing well in school, working hard, and at the same time trying to start a Martial Arts Club for the college. He's almost there! And speaking of martial arts, last night (18th) at his Kosho class he was given the purple belt promotion on merit! Why, you ask? Because this weekend - at a seminar - he displayed a Kata that HE made, on his own, in front of several Sensei's and Masters. They were so impressed, he was promoted - WOW! Here's some pics...
His new belt... 
To wrap it up with Josh, his friends - Teron and Alex - invited him to an Eagle Scout celebration last weekend. Josh played 'fashion designer' and they all looked so good, I had to get a picture. I'm so grateful that Josh is finding friends who are smart, responsible, and have good morals/ethics. It's nice to see!
Bethany has been working hard at school - she got A/B Honor roll (and we are going on a date soon) - and also hard at Lacrosse. YEP! From Field Hockey to Lacrosse, she's running another field, and constantly surprising me with her willingness to try new things. Especially sports!
That's her in the dark outfit - it is March, after all! This was their first practice, and she was doing great her first time out!

She also went to a birthday party for a girlfriend, and we took Vegan doughnuts so she could have a 'cake' thing. They were a big hit, she had a great time, and she was the only one with me the next day for church (I had cantored the Sat. mass). So she went with me to Michaels, and ... well, look what she did in the store!
The next day Hans and I finished making the doughnuts while Boo was at LAX practice. They really were delicious, and disappeared in short order.

And since Hans got A/B Honor roll as well, he too wanted to go to the movies, so we saw Oz the Great and Powerful. It was good, but I was disappointed since they clearly designed it to be seen in 3D, and I hate paying the extra for what is usually an unimpressive 3D experience. But he liked it - and I made him take a picture before we went in. He's the pig monster...
AND lastly, his artwork was in the County art festival. Well, as he said: "everybody's art is in the show", but I'm still proud! Here's his... (bottom right)

I guess that catches us up. Cody is working late now, and next week I should be starting the tear-down on the kitchen with our sub-contractors. YES!!!! Finally, an enclosed, WARM kitchen. I'm so excited!
Love to all...
On March 7th, Josh was inducted into Phi Theta Kappa at Delaware Community College. We are SO proud of him; he's doing well in school, working hard, and at the same time trying to start a Martial Arts Club for the college. He's almost there! And speaking of martial arts, last night (18th) at his Kosho class he was given the purple belt promotion on merit! Why, you ask? Because this weekend - at a seminar - he displayed a Kata that HE made, on his own, in front of several Sensei's and Masters. They were so impressed, he was promoted - WOW! Here's some pics...

Bethany has been working hard at school - she got A/B Honor roll (and we are going on a date soon) - and also hard at Lacrosse. YEP! From Field Hockey to Lacrosse, she's running another field, and constantly surprising me with her willingness to try new things. Especially sports!
That's her in the dark outfit - it is March, after all! This was their first practice, and she was doing great her first time out!

She also went to a birthday party for a girlfriend, and we took Vegan doughnuts so she could have a 'cake' thing. They were a big hit, she had a great time, and she was the only one with me the next day for church (I had cantored the Sat. mass). So she went with me to Michaels, and ... well, look what she did in the store!
The next day Hans and I finished making the doughnuts while Boo was at LAX practice. They really were delicious, and disappeared in short order.

AND lastly, his artwork was in the County art festival. Well, as he said: "everybody's art is in the show", but I'm still proud! Here's his... (bottom right)

I guess that catches us up. Cody is working late now, and next week I should be starting the tear-down on the kitchen with our sub-contractors. YES!!!! Finally, an enclosed, WARM kitchen. I'm so excited!
Love to all...
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Making 'new' friends...
So I was pulling the last bits of drywall, insulation and miscellaneous crap out of the kitchen for the last of the demolition the other day. Wanna see what new 'friend' I made while doing this? Remember, I wear a breathing mask and goggles, along with a hat, gloves and long sleeves to protect myself as much as I can... but some things you can't prepare for!
Yep, a 3' long, mummified snake came out of the insulation.
For all of you who think I'm such a tough B, you didn't hear
me whining like a fire siren!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Oh Sandy...
So we're all alive and fine, here. There's some real heavy winds right now, and the kids had today and tomorrow off, but so far, we're managing really well. Cody even has the days off (though he's working from home), so it's actually kind of nice. We've been praying for everybody that they're safe and there's no serious flooding...
Take care, and we'll talk to you soon!
Take care, and we'll talk to you soon!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Pretty roof...
I really didn't think we'd be able to get a new roof on so soon after buying the house. But this new roof looks great, and I'm so excited! One mour big project of the list!
3,294 more to go... : (
Location:Norwood, PA
Norwood, Norwood
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