On March 7th, Josh was inducted into Phi Theta Kappa at Delaware Community College. We are SO proud of him; he's doing well in school, working hard, and at the same time trying to start a Martial Arts Club for the college. He's almost there! And speaking of martial arts, last night (18th) at his Kosho class he was given the purple belt promotion on merit! Why, you ask? Because this weekend - at a seminar - he displayed a Kata that HE made, on his own, in front of several Sensei's and Masters. They were so impressed, he was promoted - WOW! Here's some pics...

Bethany has been working hard at school - she got A/B Honor roll (and we are going on a date soon) - and also hard at Lacrosse. YEP! From Field Hockey to Lacrosse, she's running another field, and constantly surprising me with her willingness to try new things. Especially sports!
That's her in the dark outfit - it is March, after all! This was their first practice, and she was doing great her first time out!

She also went to a birthday party for a girlfriend, and we took Vegan doughnuts so she could have a 'cake' thing. They were a big hit, she had a great time, and she was the only one with me the next day for church (I had cantored the Sat. mass). So she went with me to Michaels, and ... well, look what she did in the store!
The next day Hans and I finished making the doughnuts while Boo was at LAX practice. They really were delicious, and disappeared in short order.

AND lastly, his artwork was in the County art festival. Well, as he said: "everybody's art is in the show", but I'm still proud! Here's his... (bottom right)

I guess that catches us up. Cody is working late now, and next week I should be starting the tear-down on the kitchen with our sub-contractors. YES!!!! Finally, an enclosed, WARM kitchen. I'm so excited!
Love to all...
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