Cody and I got Bethany and Hans off to Texarkana safely, and they are having a nice time! Josh rode down with us to North Carolina, and we stopped in Stafford to drop him off at his grandparents. Obachan has time off through Christmas, and they should be spending time together, along with Aunt Michelle and his cousins. And he's looking forward to a delicious Suki Yaki dinner for "New Year's" eve (which they'll celebrate a little early). So Cody and I finished our trip to NC Friday morning, making a brief stop at Hinnant Winery on the way down. We've really just relaxed so far and enjoyed ourselves (doing a little Christmas work along the way). I'm relieved and blessed to know that all the kids are safely visiting family, and that we made it to Cindy's safely. We are having a wonderful time with her, and hanging out together.
Our love and prayers are constantly with the families in Newtown, CT, who are suffering this season with such an unimaginable loss. May God watch over them and everyone affected by this and all tragedies.
Love to all...
-Kris (Mom)
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