After you've finished grilling those Brats or BBQ'ing the chicken, use the coals to make an EASY but delicious, healthy dessert, that cooks while you enjoy your dinner.
Grilled Carmelized Pears:

Take 5 pears, any kind (or as many as you need), and cut them in half, top to bottom. Cut the core out of each half. Put aluminum foil down on the grill, and as it warms up, coat it with butter-flavor Crisco (or the regular kind - they both work). Make sure you have enough foil so you can fold it back on itself halfway; and DO coat the whole thing. Then sprinkle on cinnamon-sugar, a nice coating of it - so you almost can't see the foil through it. Then lay the pears on the cinnamon-sugar, cut side down. Sprinkle more sugar mix on top of the pears (the skin side), fold the foil over top, and crimp the edges a bit. The coals were running about 225 degrees at this point, and I left the pears on for about 30 minutes. When you finish your dinner, you'll have soft, warm, caramelized pears just begging for a scoop of vanilla ice cream! ENJOY!
(Thanks to for the photo - everyone ate mine so quickly, I couldn't get a good picture, but that's exactly what they looked like! Next time...)
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