Later we grilled steaks at the resort with Michelle and the girls, and then went swimming. It was a wonderful day, and everybody had a fun - but exhausting - day!
Love to all...

Checking to see if Michelle's done! |
Checking to see if Michelle's done! |
Having a picnic lunch and then a 'dip' in the river at Greenbriar. Some 'dipped' more than others... : | |
Bethany and I at the top of the Sky Lift; just the two of us, and this was the amazing view. Below, our feet as we head back down the mountainside. Whee! |
Luis is here, and Josh is SO happy! I'm so grateful he was able to spend graduation with us, and hope they both have a terrific time. Plus now I have two strong lads to help set stuff up!
I really didn't think we'd be able to get a new roof on so soon after buying the house. But this new roof looks great, and I'm so excited! One mour big project of the list!
3,294 more to go... : (
Getting ready for a great birthday party tomorrow, and still have Graduation on the brain. Bethany helped me get the cake ready for tomorrow, and in the morning we finish the details. I hope Hans has a great time and is a little surprised, too. Love to all - I'm exhausted!
Originally submitted at Adorama
Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS Image Stabilizer Telephoto Zoom Lens
HAD to review this IMMEDIATELY!
Pros: Durable, Zoom responsiveness, Fast / accurate auto-focus, Sharp photos, Easily Interchangeable, Lightweight
Best Uses: Indoors/Low Light, Sports/Action, Wildlife Photos, Landscape/Scenery, Weddings/Events
Describe Yourself: Photography Student
Was this a gift?: No
First, if possible, I am in love with Adorama. I ordered this lens LESS than 48 hours ago, and have taken a couple dozen photos all ready because it arrived that quickly. I bought this because the reviews were generally great, and just renting it for 2 weeks would have cost half of the buying price. It made financial sense. But WOW! I just took pictures of moving wildlife - crisp, clean, and sharp - and my kids, outside riding bikes. I can't believe how FAST the zoom is - I feel like it's responding better than my main lens. And I came inside and took some pictures of my pets in low light, and at 0.5" shutter speed, I could hand hold with a sharp, focused picture! (My cats are lazy, so sleeping pictures are easy). I could not be happier with my purchase, and since I bought it for my oldest's graduation, I am now grateful and confident I'll get the BEST pictures possible - well, without spending all his college savings! LOL
More celebrating today - starting with lunch after church, where Cody joined us. (He had been working, but finished early today). Then a bike ride to the park for frisbee and fun, followed by a movie and popcorn at home. Then another ride down to Norwood park, since the weather got beautiful while we were inside. A wonderful family day overall, and thanks to everyone who called to wish Hans the best!
Here's Cody at the park...
We're starting the celebration for Hans' birthday tomorrow. So we went bowling, then out for dinner, riding our bikes the whole way! It was a great day! Now Bethany is at a black-light birthday party until 11:00. I'm gonna have to watch out - my kids are getting to have better social lives than Cody and I.
So Prom was great and they're at the "After Prom" now (which looks SO cool). So here are a few pics of Josh and Shannon right before they left for Prom.
...I picked them up, and was told they had a great time, it was awesome, and "we danced all night!" Still more dancing to be done at the after party!
Prom is in a couple hours, and Cody's home taking pictures with us. Don't they look cute together? More to follow as the countdown continues!